Thursday 13 November 2014

Mystery of the Great Pyramid missing capstone

When you look up at the Great Pyramid, it’s apex is missing. It is flap topped and not pointed like a pyramid should be.  Usually, when a pyramid was constructed, the top part, or capstone (also called top-stone), was the last thing to be placed on it. It was considered the most important part of the pyramid and was made of special stone or even gold. The capstone was usually highly decorated.

Was the great pyramid always without a capstone or was it stolen, destroyed, etc? No one knows but the accounts of visitors to the pyramid from the ancient past (as far back as the time of Christ) always reported that the pyramid lacked a capstone. It is possible that it was never finished. Another possibility is that capstones were sometimes made of gold and maybe the first thing looted. The only problem is that this would be a very large capstone. If you climbed to the top, you could walk around very freely on the pyramid as many have done. It is about 30 feet in each direction. Thus, this capstone would have been huge and weighed a tremendous amount. Also on the summit you would see something that looks like a mast or flagpole. Actually it was placed there by two astronomers in 1874 to show where the Pyramid’s actual apex would have been if finished.

 On the back of a dollar bill, you can see a pyramid with a flat top. No one has been able to explain why the Great Pyramid would have been built without a capstone.

This is an interesting story associated with a visit to the top of the great pyramid. Many tourists have climbed to the top, which is not an easy journey. One such person was Sir Siemen’s, a British inventor. He climbed to the top with his Arab guides. One of his guides called attention to the fact that when he raised his hand with outspread fingers, he would hear an acute ringing noise. Siemen raised his index finger and felt a distinct prickling sensation. He also received an electric shock when he tried to drink from a bottle of wine that he had brought with him. Being a scientist, Siemen than moistened a newspaper and wrapped it around the wine bottle to convert it into a Leyden jar (an early form of a capacitor). When he held it above his head, it became charged with electricity. Sparks then were emitted from the bottle. One of the Arab guides got frightened and thought Siemen was up to some witchcraft and attempted to seize Siemen’s companion. When Siemen’s noticed this, he pointed the bottle towards the Arab and gave him such a shock that it knocked the Arab to the ground almost rendering him unconscious. When he recovered, he took off down the pyramid shouting loudly. What kind of natural phenomena on the top of the Great Pyramid could produce such an electo-static effect? It would be interesting to conduct additional physics experiments on the top of the Great Pyramid.

No Capstone for the Great Pyramid

by a fellow researcher

In an unexpected announcement the Egyptian government cancelled plans to cap the great pyramid as part of their millenium celebration.
CAIRO, Egypt (AP) – In an apparent nod to public opinion, the government on Thursday, December 16, 1999 canceled its plan to cap the Great Pyramid in gold for the millennium celebrations.
Egypt had planned to usher in the New Year by affixing a gold-encased capstone on the Great Pyramid, built as a tomb for King Cheops about 4,500 years ago.
The 30-foot high cap was to be lowered by helicopter at the stroke of midnight Dec. 31, making the broken pyramid whole again, if only for a night.
Culture Minister Farouk Hosni gave no reason for backing off the plan, but said the decision was made despite technical advice that it would not have damaged the monument, Egypt’s Middle East News Agency reported.

Egypt’s millennium celebrations feature a 12-hour concert at the foot of the Giza pyramids with 1,000 performers.
Egypt, whose recorded history goes back 6,000 years, is promoting the celebration as the start of its seventh millennium.

One of the reasons for this refusal to allow the capstone to be placed on the Great Pyramid is reported to be a fear of terrorists. It appears there were some fears terrorists might shoot down the helicopter as it was lifting the capstone in place thereby damaging the pyramid. Is that the real reason? There are also rumors that the crash of Egyptian Flight 990 is somehow involved in this decision. Could there be people so in terror of what will happen once the pyramid is capped that they would resort to sabotaging a passenger liner?

What kind of fears could cause such fears and such drastic action?

It is believed by some groups of people that the pyramid itself is a machine. A machine that would be turned on once the capstone was in place. A machine that by its very nature would boost the spiritual consciousness of planet Earth and its inhabitants by raising the vibrational levels. Considering the amount of research that has been conducted on pyramid energy and the number of books that have been written about the subject that idea isn’t so farfetched. The shape alone appears to have a power to alter natural substances.

Many people were looking forward to this capping. Now we will never know what the effects would have been, if any. Perhaps it is better that we don’t mess with unknown powers until we better understand them. Do we really know what power could have been unleashed or what power has been unleashed in the past. There may be good reasons why the capstone was removed.

We know from Edgar Cayces’ readings that Atlantis was destroyed by the misuse of power that came from crystals? Is it possible that the pyramid was part of this energy grid? If so the capstone could have been removed to prevent further destruction.

If the pyramid is a machine just waiting to be turned back on how do we know what its original functions were and how do we know it would still work as originally designed? Besides the capstone being removed there have been other changes. There has been tunneling in and around the pyramid as well as additions like electrical lighting. It is possible that any of these could have changed how the machine would operate and what the effects would be.

If the purpose in replacing the capstone was to turn on the machine it is possible some of these questions have occurred to those responsible for making the decisions. Since we have no way of knowing how this machine is supposed to function or even what parts of the pyramid would make up the machine we have no way to conduct tests to make sure the machine is working properly.

For those of us who were looking forward to seeing the capstone placed on the great pyramid we can only wait and hope that someday soon we will accumulate enough knowledge about the true nature of the pyramid to answer all these questions. In the meantime it may be best that we not rush into tampering with forces that we don’t understand.

The Masonic ritual which coincided with the 33.33 degree alignment of planet Mars from the perspective of Cairo at 12:19 AM, January 1, 2000 continued. This ritual can be looked at as an addition to the Masonic rituals page (Table of Coincidence).

German excavator Rainer Stadelmann found [ near the Red Pyramid ] uninscribed limestone pyramidion (capstone). Broken in its fall, it has been painstakingly pieced together and now sites at the base of the pyramid. The capstone disclosed faces that slope at about 54 degrees – more than 10-degree difference from the slope of the Red Pyramid, its supposed location.

Source: Sticks, Stones, and Shadows: Building the Egyptian Pyramids

The significant discrepancy between the slope of the pyramidion found at Dahshur and the slope of the Red Pyramid, beside which it was found, suggests that this pyramidion might have been planned for another pyramid. Study of surviving pyramidia and the evidence provided by the other yramids in the area seem to point to the second stage of the-construction of the Bent Pyramid as its original destination. [ or perhaps the Great Pyramid? ]

In 1982, the expedition of the Deutsches Archäologisches lnstitut Kairo at Dahshur discovered fragments of an uninscribed limestone pyramidion among the debris surrounding the Red Pyramid1. Although still in pieces, the pyramidion immediately appeared to be steeper than the pyramid. The discrepancy was ascribed to a deliberate variation of the slope of the pyramid during construction, in order to make the uppermost part of the monument more visible from the  ground2. Since then, the fragments have been assembled and placed in front of the pyramid. The result of the reconstruction, however, raises questions about the relationship between this
pyramidion and the Red Pyramid.

Because of the large number of fragments and the generous use of plaster in the reconstruction, the surfaces of the pyramidion are slightly irregular. Nevertheless, at about 96 cm from the top, measured along the edge, it is possible to measure the breadth of the faces directly on the original pieces. They are about 96 cm  (3.1496 feet) wide, which means that the four faces were each equilateral triangles.
The pyramidia of Amenemhat lll (at Dahshur} and Khendjer, both in the Cairo Museum, show the same proportions, that is the length of the edge is equal to the length of the base 3.

The Egyptians measured the slope, which was called seked, as the horizontal displacement of the sloping face for a vertical drop of one cubit4. That is, they measured the number of cubits, palms and fingers from which the sloping side had ‘moved’ from a vertical line at the height of one cubit. Basically the Egyptians constructed a right-angled triangle: of the two catheti (i.e. the two sides at a right angle to one another), one was equal to one cubit, the other corresponded to the seked 5. In a pyramid, if edges and base have the same length, the four faces are four equilateral triangles resting on oblique planes inclined toward the vertical axis. The slope of such a pyramid can be measured as 54°30′, or a seked of 5 palms. Although it does not seem to have been a very regular piece altogether 6,  the pyramidion found at Dahshur appears to have shared these geometrical characteristics.

Of the casing of the pyramids of Amenemhat II I and Khendjer, only loose blocks survive and for both it was possible to ascertain that their slope was between 54o and 56o 7.

Source: The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology   >  Vol. 85, 1999   >  Note on the Pyramidion

Interesting Facts:

pi = 3.1416,
Royal Egyptian Cubit = 0.524 m
3.1416 feet = 0.957 m

2x (0.957 / 0.524 ) = 2x  1.8263 = 3.6526 = 365.26 x 10-2

Number of days in a year: 365.25
PS2 Another Capstone Theory

The pyramidion (capstone) found near the Red Pyramid is nearly “96 cm from the top, measured along the edge“. This (and other capstones found in Egypt) suggests that Egyptians were not making huge capstones for their pyramids. Therefore assumption that missing capstone of the Great Pyramid was huge (30 feet at the base) is wrong. It is very likely that in addition to the missing pyramidion there is a layer of stones missing as well. Therefore the capstone was much smaller than the missing part of the pyramid.

To maintain perfect slope angle such a capstone would have to have identical proportions as the whole pyramid: 7:11. If we use the “Red Pyramid” capstone to estimate possible size of the capstone from the Great Pyramid, it seems reasonable to select 2 Royal Cubits (140th of the pyramid’s height)  for its height.  The capstone’s base in this case would be 3.14286 RC  (as the result of keeping the same scale and proportions as the GP) . This is very close approximation of “pi”.

The missing capstone of the Great Pyramid was very likely 2 Royal Cubits in height (3.4267 feet = 1.0475 m ) with square base of  3.1428 Royal Cubits (5.4 feet = 1.646 m).

440/280 = 1.5714286   (3.14286 when multiplied by 2 ).
280/440 = 0.636363636363… (0.63  number with recurring decimal)
PS3  Great Seal of America Decoded?

The Eye in The Pyramid.
On Raymond Mardyks’ website, (now unavailable), he decodes the Great Seal of America, which appears on every dollar bill.

The Seal shows a 13-step pyramid with the date 1776 in Roman numerals, on it.

Just as the pyramid of Kukulkcan has 91 steps on each of the 4 sides, making 364 in all, plus the top level giving the number 365, the Great Seal pyramid also has an encoded calendrical meaning. Like some Maya pyramids, it has a date on it, but in the Gregorian calendar.  4 sides of 13 levels gives 52, which is the number of weeks in our year. However, 13 and 52 are also the key numbers in the Mayan calendar systems.

 In the Great Cycle, there are 13 baktuns of 20 katuns each; each katun consists of 20 tuns, so there are 5200 tuns in the Great Cycle. There are also 52 haabs in a Calendar Round.  Some Mayan groups named cycles after end dates rather than beginning dates.  They would also have seen a series of 13 katuns as a significant cycle. 1776 was not only the year that the Declaration of Independence was signed (on the 4th of July), but was also a special year in the Mayan calendar. Just as the last katun in the Great Cycle ends in 2012, the first katun in the cycle of 13 was  ending in 1776. In fact, the katun ended 33 days before the signing.  So 1776 is the bottom level of the pyramid, where the date is actually inscribed – the top of the pyramid is therefore 2012.

One Dollar Conspiracy

On the reverse of the american one-dollar bill is the All Seeing Eye within a triangle surrounded by a golden glory. The motto inscribed beneath the pyramid is “Novus Ordo Seclorum” which is Latin for “New Order of the Ages“, and synonymous with the “New World Order“. “Annuit cœptis” is taken from the Latin words annuo (nod, approve) and cœpta (beginnings, undertakings).  “Annuit Cœptis” is translated by the U.S. State Department, The U.S. Mint, and the U.S. Treasury as “He (God) has favored our undertakings.” (brackets in original).

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